In the last decade, our products have been used mainly by huge companies, specializing in Oil and Gas, such as PT Pertamina (persero) and PT Elnusa. You can get the detail of each product in our product catalogue. For big companies, each product usually needs some customization to accommodate the specific business process of the companies. To provide a sneak preview on how our products help a customer on solving its problem, below we describe the Automation System that we implement in PT Pertamina (persero) and its subsidiaries. It is one of the biggest and the most complex Automation System in Indonesia.
The government of Indonesia has assigned PT Pertamina (persero) the task of distributing Fuel to people of republic Indonesia nationwide. PT Pertamina, in turn, forms a supply chain of tasks, part of which is: "to move the fuel by Cargo Trucks from Terminal Storages to its surrounding Fuel Stations (a.k.a SPBU), in which Indonesian public will obtain the fuel".
The task involves carrying fuel from over a hundred of storage terminals to more than 5000 fuel stations by thousands of cargo trucks. The objective is to deliver it to correct destination in a correct time, correct quantity, correct quality and cost-efficient way.
To optimize the process of management of the deliveries by the cargo trucks, PT Pertamina has appoint-ed several subsidiaries and partners such as PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Elnusa Petrofin and Koperasi-Koperasi Pertamina.
This task is deceptively simple. However, it will become highly complicated when we recall: the cargo worths up to Rp 400 million on a single trip, which could easily be stolen by virtually anyone (the driver himself, professional thieves, or even a mafia which could involve defective army personels); the truck worths up to Rp 1.5 billion, whose tire cost reaches Rp 60 million; the possibly long hours of travelling in a possibly rough track and deserted droad thus providing ample time for theft and accidents; every ineffi-cient route and obstructions could easily impact the traveling cost; the archipalagic nature of Indonesia. Consistent with its Service Excellent slogan, PT Pertamina and its appointed subsidiaries decided to employ an Automation System to control the whole delivery process in the best possible manner consis-tently. For this purpose, we have been hired since 2009 under a long-term contracts.
Thanks to the modular architecture of our products, we could implement our custom products in stages and by smooth evolution to ensure minimal disturbance to public service. Until mid of 2015, the solution has covered virtually all major terminal storages, controlling the most determining aspects of the deliv-ery. To get a grasp of the currently implemented module, see the picture below.