Our Developer Workshop is Finally Open! Featured
13 Feb 2017
(10 votes)

Our Developer Workshop is Finally Open!

Finally, the development of our second location which located in Citra Indah City, cileungsi is done. This office is built with a vision that employee houses should be located near the office so they will able to give 24 hours x 365 days but not giving anyadditional burden for the employee. Besides, we also want to give employee an opportunity to have a decent housing for their family. Housing which will give them lots of opportunity to raise their children and still able to give the best service for their customers. Our first office that located in Jakarta made realizing this vision become so hard because of the high-price of the housing. Alhamdulillah, SL Citra office is the solution. Located near with fresh and cool weather Taman Bunga Mekar Sari. Our office provide a fresh environment and affordable house for all our employee. Equipped with specially design office interiors which give a comfortable, informal, and homy vibe and hopefully support original and creative works that we do. One by one, our staff started to move from small rentall house in Jakarta to their own house in fresh and comfortable housing in Citra Indah City. Hopefully, at the end, we will able to give the best service to all our customer.

Read 6777 times Last modified on Tuesday, 16 April 2019 10:19

Sales Inquiry :

Phone: +6221 563 2905
Email : jihada@smart-leaders.net


Customer Support :

24-hour Customer Support and Satisfaction
Email : support@smart-leaders.net
Phone : +6281311108100


Headquarters :

Jalan Tanjung Duren Raya no.6B, Jakarta Barat 11470

Developers Camp/Workshop :

Ruko Citra Indah Blok SS.03 Kav.3, Citra Indah, Jonggol, Jawa Barat

We are Industrial Automation System manufacturer under SmartLeaders name. We provide 24 hours x 7 days support through Telephones, email, WA, BBM, Line, and websites.

SmartLeaders is a trademark of PT Solusi Integrasindo. Registered in the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Indonesia.